
Real Food for Wherever the Mood Takes You

We searched for bars that would be functionally helpful to stabilize mood, while also tasting good, and we couldn’t find any. So, we set forth to make our own.

Mood naturally changes throughout the day, but we can instill control and feel better for it. Each Mood Bar is unique, and specifically formulated to help achieve this, be it by enhancing cognitive function, or reducing irritability through optimal dosages of time-honored ingredients like Ashwagandha, or Green Tea for a natural boost of energy without the unpleasant side effects.

Life is hectic, and many quick snack choices aren't the best, leading to fluctuations in blood sugar. While many snack foods and nutrition bars might look tempting, they can exacerbate health concerns in the long run due to irregular blood sugar responses, causing mood swings, tiredness, and dizziness.

The Science of Feeling Good

We meticulously choose each ingredient for our Mood Bars, aiming to offer sustainable, whole food-based, nutritionally dense solutions that ensure long-lasting satiety without causing fluctuations in blood sugar levels. For example, the Green tea in our Awaken Bar and the Blueberries in our Soothe Bar are excellent for blood sugar regulation. Studies have shown that anthocyanin in Blueberries positively affect insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism.

Each bar's essence is an exploration of its combined ingredients' nutritional, physiological, and homeopathic magic.

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We chose Ashwagandha for our Soothe Bar because it's more than just an effective anti-anxiety remedy. It also improves cognitive function, memory, and blood sugar regulation, while boosting muscle strength. For women, it can enhance sexual function, and for men, it can improve hormone balance, sperm quality, and testosterone levels, potentially boosting fertility.

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Apricots are rich in flavonoids, rich in antioxidant activity that fights inflammation and neutralizes harmful free radicals. These actions may reduce the risk of conditions like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. High in dietary fiber, Apricots also promote eye health through their Vitamin A, C, and Carotene content. Vitamin C in Apricots supports Collagen production for youthful skin and a strong immune system. They are also a good source of plant-based Iron, beneficial for women who may experience Anemia during menstruation.

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Iron is essential for producing Hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries Oxygen. Women may experience low Iron levels during menstruation, leading to symptoms like fatigue, poor focus, and weakened immunity. Our Nourish Bar, made of Iron-rich Apricots and Dates, is a convenient solution. Apricots also contain Vitamin C, which boosts Iron absorption.

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Blueberries are a low-calorie superfood high in antioxidants. They improve brain function, memory, and focus, while also helping regulate blood sugar, manage weight, and control cholesterol. Consuming them may also reduce the risk of certain cancers and heart disease. Enjoy these benefits along with Raspberries in our Soothe Bar.

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Raspberries are nutrient-rich, packed with Vitamin C and E, Manganese, Potassium, and Fiber. They fight inflammation and boost both immunity and digestion. Eating them regularly may lower the risk of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, obesity, and arthritis. Our Soothe Bar is loaded with Raspberries and another superfood, Blueberries.

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Dates are the foundation of our bars for good reason: they're a nutrient-rich superfood. Packed with Iron, Vitamin K and B, Zinc, Fiber, Calcium, and Magnesium –Dates support gut and heart health, lower cholesterol, and bolster bones and immunity. Their antioxidants can reduce the risk of chronic diseases like Alzheimer’s and heart disease, as well as improve cognition and lessen anxiety.

Your Journey,
Our Commitment

Mood Bars aren't just another snack option—they're engineered nutrition designed for your active lifestyle.

Each Mood Bar provides an assortment of your daily suggested intake of vitamins and minerals to fuel your daily pursuits and navigate life's complexities with a bit more ease.

  • soothe bar
  • nourish bar
  • soothe bar
  • nourish bar
  • soothe bar
  • nourish bar
  • soothe bar
  • nourish bar
  • soothe bar
  • nourish bar
  • soothe bar
  • nourish bar
  • soothe bar
  • nourish bar
  • soothe bar
  • nourish bar

Mood Bars aren't just another snack option—they're engineered nutrition designed for your active lifestyle.